Eliminating Medical Odors

Odor Eliminator

Eliminating Medical Odors

Running a veterinary clinic, doctor's office, a hospital or any other type of healthcare practice requires having a clean, well-sanitized space. With all of the smells that can occur in a medical setting, it is often easy to become overwhelmed with the prospect of keeping the area smelling fresh and odor-free. OdorXit makes it easy to keep a fresh-smelling practice, by offering a variety of solutions that conquer even the toughest of medical odors. Learn more about how OdorXit can solve your medical odor problems today.

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Common OdorXit Applications for Medical Odors

Ostomy Odors
Ostomy or colostomy bag ruptures can be very difficult to cleanup. The smell of the bags contents can be overwhelming. A few pumps of Magic by OdorXit in the area of the spill or leak will eliminate/absorb the odor nearly instantly, making the cleanup process much easier.
Removing Mattress Odors Caused by Illness
Removing body odors from bedding and mattresses is a unique problem and requires a quite unique product to eliminate the odor. AQM can also be used occasionally where re-introduction of odor is continuing just to reduce the overall amount of odor. This will make the OdorXit Magic more effective and last longer per application.
Removing Other Odors Caused by Illness (Sick Room)
OdorXit has solutions to limit hospital odors, Magicis the first we recommend. It will absorb the offending odor and leave no fragrances of its own. Instead of spraying OdorXit Magic into the air, it is more effective to spray OdorXit Magic directly on to bed clothes, furniture, floors and walls.
OdorXit Products

Use OdorXit Eliminator & OdorXit Magic To Eliminate Medical Odors

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rtu eliminator
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